The 100% owned Coffer Project is is made up of 8 mineral claims with a total area of 88,649 acres strategically located only 3km east of UEC’s Shea Creek Project in the Western Athabasca Basin. The project sits along 2 major deep seated fault systems, the Harrison and the Beatty River faults. Geophysical characteristics similar to Shea Creek Project (67.57 M lb. U3O8 Ind; 28.06 M lb. Inf.) & JR Zone (discovery: 15.0m @ 6.97% & 1.0 m @ 59.2% U3O8). The project is proximal to the Saskatoon Lake conductor which hosts the Shea Creek deposits as well as the clearwater domain which is believed to be the heat source for uranium mineralization.
The focus of exploration on Coffer is for high-grade polymetallic unconformity-hosted uranium deposits like the Shea Creek deposit. In addition, potential exists of basement-hosted deposits such as NexGen's Arrow or Cameco's Eagle Point. The project has several conductors and faults which act as both conduits and traps for potential uranium mineralization.
Through it's exploration efforts, Stallion has identified 4 tier one targets the company believes to be a capable of hosing world class scale uranium deposits.
Target Areas
Appaloosa Target
The Appaloosa target was the first site identified by Stallion as a tier one target, aimed at advancing exploration efforts toward drill readiness. This target features a conductive trend approximately 5 km long (the Appaloosa Conductor), which shows characteristics similar to the Saskatoon Lake Conductor, known for hosting the Shea Creek Deposits. In 2024, Stallion conducted a 70 line-km ground TDEM survey over the Appaloosa target, providing a higher-resolution model of the conductive body. The conductor is situated in a gravity and magnetic low, indicating alteration that correlates with uranium mineralization. Stallion utilized these geophysical anomalies to refine its drill targets. In winter 2024, Stallion launched its first drilling project, successfully completing three drill holes totaling 2,798.2 meters. Results firmly established the presence of anomalous radioactivity, hydrothermal alteration and the location of a basement electromagnetic conductors.
DDH - CF24-001
Encountered anomalous radioactivity near the unconformity with a peak of 1,540cps (Counts per Second) in a 4.2m radioactive interval including 0.3m at 1,322 cps
Encountered anomalous radioactivity in the basement of 262 cps over 4m
Hit the unconformity at 762.6m and completed at a depth of 829.2m
Highly prospective geology encountered
Table 1: Downhole Total Gamma Results from CF24-001
Figure 2: Hole CF24-001 Red Square is the radioactive core and hematite alteration (1,322cps with downhole probe)
Blue Square is clay alteration associated with stockwork fractures
Green Square is chlorite and clay coated fracture surface
DDH - CF24-003
Intersected conductive structure over 94.7m, highlighting large SW dipping structure.
Encountered above background radioactivity near the unconformity and in graphitic structure
Hit the unconformity at 720m, graphitic structure at 880m and completed at a depth of 1,055m
Figure 3: Cross-section of CF24-003 with illustration of Anne Deposit (Shea Creek) as target area
Clydesdale Target
- The target conductor branches off of the Appaloosa trend
- Target occurs in a magnetic low
- Identified as a potential trap for uranium
Holstiener Target
- Recently identified with 2023 MobileMT survey.
- Conductor trends from F3’s Minto Property.
- Extremely close to hydrothermal heat source (Clearwater Domain).
Mustang Target
- Located at the southern tip of the Appaloosa Corridor
- Branches off the deep-seated Beatty River Fault
- Geologically complex, situated in a narrow magnetic low between edge of Beatty River fault and basement ridge
- Situated proximal to the Clearwater Domain which is believed to contribute to uranium mineralization in the Western Athabasca Basin
Figure 1 - Coffer Project Map
Figure 2 - Magnetic Tilt Domain with Exploration Corridors